Good ciders are made from real apple juice, therefore first and foremost step making cider is wisely selected apples. Best apples for making cider are fresh, uncultivated and just about perfectly ready for picking them up. These principles have also been applied when manufacturing MULL° ciders. However balanced cider does does not mean one could use just every apple available.

It is important to recognise relevant acids, sugars, tannins and flavours given to different apples by mother nature. During cider-making process sugar turns into alcohol, acidity serves for freshness, tannins give full-bodiness which we know particularly from red wine taste and flavours give peculiarity to drinks. All these characteristics depend on apple varieties, area where apple-trees grow and methods and specifics apple-trees have been taking care.

For example, in traditional cider-making countries in Great Britain and France, climate is softer and warmer than in Estonia. Therefore apples there are sweeter, less acidic and consist of more tannins. In traditional cider-making countries centuries old history of preparing cider has given roots to particular apples varieties, which are successfully used for cider-making. In Estonia, there is no heritage and culture manufacturing cider, on the other hand this gives great opportunity for new-age cider manufactures in Estonia to experiment and try.
MULL° drinks purpose is to participate in creating and popularizing cider-making and drinking culture in Estonia.

Perfect cider apples are practically not available. Therefore different apple varieties are being mixed in order to reach balanced and versatile drinks. We use more than 6 different kind of late fall apple varieties to prepare our drinks.